Lipsomal Magnesium - 60 caps - generalities

General Overview:

Magnesium is a crucial mineral for the proper functioning of our body, participating in more than 300 essential enzymatic reactions. However, the absorption of certain forms of magnesium can be limited, leading to intestinal discomfort in some individuals. To ensure optimal bioavailability and better digestive tolerance, Goldman Laboratories has developed the Magnesium Blend complex under liposomal encapsulation. This complex combines several forms of magnesium with well-defined properties for maximum efficiency.

The Essential Role of Magnesium in the Body:

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant cation in the body and the second most abundant intracellular cation [1]. It participates in various functions, including:

  1. Maintaining strong bones and supporting the immune system.
  2. Regulating blood sugar levels by facilitating the transport of insulin from blood vessels to cells [2].
  3. Stabilizing cell membranes, reducing nerve excitement, and excessive muscle contractions.
  4. Reducing stress by preventing an increase in cortisol.
  5. Regulating heart rhythm.
  6. Increasing energy by promoting ATP production, the body's primary energy molecule produced during the Krebs cycle, and activating enzymes for cellular energy creation.
  7. Controlling and synthesizing neurotransmitter activity, especially dopamine and norepinephrine, by enabling the latter to be stored in nerve cells.

Impact of Low Magnesium Levels on the Body:

The causes of magnesium deficiency are diverse. It is estimated that more than 75% of the population consumes less than the recommended amount of magnesium. Contributing factors range from inadequate diet to magnesium loss by the body [3]. Magnesium deficiency is difficult to diagnose as the symptoms are generally non-specific. There are numerous contributing factors, and there is no simple way to diagnose magnesium deficiency [4]. In practice, magnesium levels are usually determined by evaluating dietary intake, magnesium concentration in the serum, and/or magnesium concentration in urine [5]. Moreover, it is very challenging to determine through a simple blood test whether an individual is deficient in magnesium because the serum level does not reflect the intracellular magnesium amount. Only 1% of the total body magnesium is present in extracellular fluids, and only 0.3% of the total body magnesium is found in the serum [6]. Currently, a combination of these three markers: dietary intake, serum level, and urinary level, can be used to obtain a valid assessment of magnesium status. Signs of deficiency include vomiting, weakness, irritability, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, muscle tension, heightened emotions, loss of appetite, feeling of a lump in the stomach or throat, and palpitations. Severe deficiency can lead to muscle contractions and cramps, mood and heart rhythm problems, as well as muscle spasms. In all these cases, supplementation is essential. Returning to normal magnesium levels from a state of deficiency can vary from six weeks to six months of supplementation.

The Liposomal Encapsulated Magnesium Blend Complex:

The Magnesium Blend complex is composed of four of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium (malate, bisglycinate, lysinate, and taurate) under liposomal encapsulation, allowing maximum delivery to target areas, optimal absorption into cells, and better digestive tolerance. The advantages of the different forms of magnesium can be observed in the compounds they are linked with.

Magnesium malate is a combination of magnesium and malic acid found naturally in many foods, including fruits. Magnesium malate also offers the benefits of malic acid, such as supporting cellular energy production (Krebs cycle - facilitating ATP production, cellular energy) and chelating heavy metals like aluminum.

Magnesium bisglycinate is a form of magnesium linked to two glycine molecules, an amino acid that the body uses to produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, considered the basis of many diseases [7]. It is energizing. Glycine can also improve sleep quality and promote a healthy circadian rhythm. Magnesium bisglycinate is one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium. It is an intelligent way to address a deficiency in this mineral. This mineral is linked to other essential nutrients in the body, including calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin D. This form of magnesium helps with muscle relaxation, reduces cramps and muscle spasms, decreases tension and anxiety, and fights pain. As it can improve sleep quality and quantity [8], magnesium bisglycinate can also help reduce daytime fatigue and improve focus, learning, and information retention. Both magnesium and glycine have calming properties, so their combined effects can be even more potent.

Magnesium lysinate is a magnesium chelate with the amino acid lysine. The body uses it for muscle contraction and relief, energy production, protein and bone building, as well as tooth maintenance. It is essential for glucose metabolism, blood clotting, and the synthesis of proteins, fats, and nucleic acids.

Magnesium taurate may have significant potential for protecting blood vessels, supporting heart health while promoting calmness, assisting in retaining potassium and calcium in the cardiac muscle and central nervous system, as well as in bones. It plays an essential nutritional role in the growth, differentiation, and development of brain cells. Taurine participates in regeneration and neuroprotection in the injured nervous system and acts as an effective antioxidant against lead, cadmium, and exercise-induced oxidative stress [9]. Taurine also has anti-aging and neuroprotective effects [10]. Magnesium taurate relieves cardiovascular protection by restoring myocardial hypertension and antioxidant defense systems. It can be used as a nutritional supplement to manage cardiovascular complications [11].

The Association of Organic Silicon with Magnesium:

The amount of silicon in tissues decreases with age, probably because the thymus, responsible for silicon absorption, undergoes atrophy with age. Silicon promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, which are major components of the connective tissue of blood vessels, such as arteries [12]. Silicon absorbed as organic silicon promotes cellular distribution of magnesium in bones, thereby contributing to their strength by stimulating their renewal. In fact, it promotes cell growth activity (osteoblasts) [13]. Organic silicon is particularly associated with connective tissues as it participates in bone development, collagen formation, and mineralization of the bone matrix. Furthermore, organic silicon also reduces the accumulation of metals in the body, enhances immune system health, and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis [14].

The Importance of Vitamin B6 with Magnesium:

Magnesium and vitamin B6 are cofactors involved in multiple enzymatic reactions in the body. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5'-phosphate) plays an essential role in mood regulation. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P) is the active form of vitamin B6 coenzyme that can be directly used by the body without conversion [15]. P5P is believed to be particularly synergistic in combination with magnesium. P5P is thought to facilitate intracellular magnesium transport. This is partly because this vitamin is needed for the creation of neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, including dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).


The Magnesium Blend & Vitamins B6, Silicon complex is a synergistic combination that offers numerous health benefits. By combining different bioavailable forms of magnesium with organic silicon and vitamin B6, this complex aims to support bone health, the immune system, blood sugar regulation, heart function, muscle relaxation, as well as stress and emotion management. This essential synergy contributes to the overall well-being of the body by providing the necessary nutrients for optimal bodily functions. Ensuring adequate intake of magnesium, silicon, and vitamin B6 is crucial to maintaining good health and optimal balance in our daily lives.

Références :

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