Liposomal Vitamin D3&K2&C - 30 caps
What is Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D, also known as cholecalciferol, is a fat-soluble hormone that is part of the many nutrients necessary for maintaining bodily health. The term "vitamin D" refers to various forms, of which the two most active in the body are:
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) produced by plants.
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) which is synthesized by the skin under the action of sunlight or obtained through diet [1].
How does Vitamin D3 interact in the body?
Vitamin D3 plays a significant and protective role in regulating the inflammatory response, as well as in the development of cardiovascular diseases related to atherosclerosis.
It is an essential hormonal micronutrient for the proper functioning of the entire body, with a crucial role in regulating phosphate and calcium levels. This enables optimal mineralization of specific tissues such as bones, cartilage, or teeth, by providing the body with optimal nutrient quantities.
Additionally, it plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle function and strengthening the immune system.
What are the key benefits of Vitamin D3 intake?
One of the most well-known benefits of Vitamin D3 is its ability to enhance musculoskeletal system health. Similar to calcium and phosphorus, Vitamin D helps in bone formation and maintaining healthy bones by facilitating their absorption. Its mechanism also involves inhibiting the release of parathyroid hormone, responsible for reabsorbing bone tissue, resulting in bone thinning and weakening, along with an elevated risk of fractures. Vitamin D3 contributes to the treatment [2] and prevention of osteomalacia, rickets, osteoporosis, and other bone disorders. It's utilized in treating conditions such as pseudohypoparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, familial hypophosphatemia [3]. Lastly, Vitamin D3 maintains an efficient muscle system and reduces muscle spasms. It functions as a macrophage within the bloodstream, large specialized cells that are part of the immune system and combat foreign pathogens.
What's the connection between Vitamin D3 and cancer?
Several scientific studies have demonstrated a significant correlation between Vitamin D3 and cancer. A deficiency in Vitamin D3 is often linked to an increased risk of various cancers such as breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers [4]. Improving nutritional levels of calcium and Vitamin D3 notably reduces the overall cancer risk in postmenopausal women [5].
Why combine Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2-MK7, and Vitamin C?
Over the past decade, it's become evident that Vitamin K plays a crucial role in human health that extends beyond its established function in blood clotting [6]. Indeed, the combination of these two vitamins proves beneficial by enabling the activation and synthesis of osteocalcin in the presence of Vitamin D3. Vitamin K2 is the substance that empowers Vitamin D-dependent proteins. While Vitamin D3 acts as a signaling molecule, instructing cells to produce certain proteins, Vitamin K2 activates these proteins by giving them the physical capability to bind to calcium. In some instances, these proteins directly coordinate the movement or organization of calcium itself; in other cases, calcium acts as a bonding agent to maintain the protein's specific form. In all these scenarios, these proteins only function once activated by Vitamin K2 [7]. Even more intriguingly, Vitamin C has been shown to specifically influence the activity of 25 (OH) D3-1-hydroxylase (inactive Vitamin D3), the enzyme responsible for transforming 25 (OH) D3 into 1,25 (OH) 2D3, the active form of Vitamin D3. Its concentration is crucial for optimal calcium absorption in the intestine and bone mineralization. Activating this hormone, Vitamin D3, is crucial to ensure optimal synergy and efficiency within the body.
What's the best form of Vitamin D?
The most highly absorbable form is Vitamin D extracted from lanolin. This form is a hormone known as "bio-identical," biologically similar to what the human body naturally produces.
Advantages of the Vitamin D3 Complex under Liposomal Encapsulation:
The process of liposomal encapsulation enables the vitamin complex to pass through the digestive system intact, unaffected by digestive juices, efficiently delivering vitamins directly to the body's cells. Liposomes are attracted to the same cells that constitute the human body due to their biological similarity, facilitating the release of active ingredients—here, vitamins—into the target organs. This process offers the highest level of bioavailability.
[1] : Sezer Acar, Korcan Demir, and Yufei Shi, Genetic Causes of Rickets, 10.4274/jcrpe.2017.S008
[2] : University of Texas Southeastern Medical Center, Dallas. Calcium, estrogen, and progestin in the treatment of osteoporosis. August 1994;20(3):691-716.
[3] : "Calcitriol Monograph for Professionals". American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved April 9, 2019; British national formulary: BNF 76 (76 ed.). Pharmaceutical Press. 2018. pp. 1050–1051.
[4] :; An estimate of premature cancer mortality in the U.S. due to inadequate doses of solar ultraviolet-B radiation. Cancer 2002 Mar 15;94(6):1867-75.
[5] : Lappe JM, Travers-Gustafson D, Davies KM, Recker RR, Heaney RP. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial. June 2007;85(6):1586-91.
[6] : Vitamins and Fine Chemicals Division, Human Nutrition & Health, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland. Vitamin K and bone health. Nutrition. October 2001;17(10):880-7
[7] : Margueritta S. El Asmar, Joseph J. Naoum, and Elias J. Arbid; Vitamin K Dependent Proteins and the Role of Vitamin K2 in the Modulation of Vascular Calcification: A Review; Oman Med J. 2014 May; 29(3): 172–177.