What is a diet

What is a diet

Going on a diet

Some will "go on a diet" to feel better about themselves, others because of health concerns or because it is trendy. What is a diet really, what are the risks? What type of diet can you trust?

What is a "diet"

According to the definition in the dictionary a diet is “the kind and amount of food prescribed for a person […] for a special reason” (Merriam Webster).

Extrapolating and reformulating the definition, is it reasonable to ask whether eating anything with no limits and no restrictions is not itself defined as a diet? Is the modern kitchen not a "2.0 system" which restricts the body to cause some deficiencies in the long term?

The "Plan", a Chinese puzzle

It is difficult to answer this question because it depends on what scale or time referential the individual is placed. On a large enough scale, how do you qualify the diet of people who follow a "Paleolithic diet" or "Okinawan diet"? Can we still talk about "going on a diet" strictly speaking? One certainty, our ancestors did not know ready-made prepared meals, chemical additives and flavour enhancers that appeared in the last 50 years.

A changing food industry that creates a discrepancy with our genetic heritage

Genetic mutations are slow, for a disease or to adapt to climate change, it takes time.

The lifestyle and diet mode do not match the genetic fingerprint recognized by our genes.

Many scientific works show a simple and theoretical link of causality between modern kitchen and chronic illness.

"The fouling theory" or "blood type regimes" show very clearly that each individual is not the same.

The advice from our experts

  • Eat healthy
  • Practice a sport
  • Do breathing exercises or meditation
  • Have goals and a purpose in life
  • Surround yourself with good vibrations

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Goldman Labs Team

Our team collaborates to compile scientifically supported information, providing you with the latest insights into health and wellness.

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